
Another Snow Day?

This is getting old now. For reals. The only time you should have snow like this is when you're skiing. Otherwise it just plain sucks. #fact

My "southern saavy" has a limit, and as you can probably guess, it doesn't include five snowstorms in as many weeks. Did I mention this is getting old?

I'm sure as heck not going outside to snap some pics, but from the inside looking out.  Gray, gray, gray...

1.  The road looks deceivingly passable. Don't be fooled. I've seen a few plowers today, but I also saw a guy pushing his car on this road. It's flat. That's not good.

2.  I am forever jonesing over the house in the top right corner. It's gorgeous and the folks who live there (from Tennessee) are as just a wonderful. 

The upside of our captivity? The guest bedroom gets a second coat of paint tonight and I'll be able to share pics with yall soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Seriously..I thought last winter was the worst! I guess I was wrong but I am also glad we moved out of PA just in time :)
