Anyways, Erin and Angie both responded with some adorable Union Jack themed ideas to further fuel my obsession. It's going to start getting unhealthy soon, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
Erin found another Union Jack Rug, which if it's possible, I think I like more than the first one.

Must. have. union. jack. zebra. rug. now. The website says you can also customize your rug to make the union jack any colors you like....This is too good to be true. And I love you / hate you at the same time Erin for getting me hooked on Jonathan Adler. The internet is a beautiful thing.
And it gets better! Angie found the most yummy looking (fruit is healthy, right?) Union Jack cake!
This cake looks delicious and while I haven't made it - yet - I'm guessing it tastes delicious too. Every year, on July 3, we have a party called "End of Dependence Day" and I am thinking this cake is going to make an appearance next year.
Does anyone else have any cute Union Jack themed ideas? I'd love to see them....keep em' coming!
PS: Monday. Announcement. Get Ready.
There are times when the perfect rug for the space in your home simply hast to be oriental so look at sites like Rugman dot com.